Friday, September 22, 2017

Touching the Toes

Kinley loves gymnastics.  Like LOVES it!  And she is so very good at it.  They call her muscles in the gym because her arms are ripped and the strength she has is amazing.  I have been debating telling her coach about the scoliosis.  But since we have yet to see a doctor, I decided to just wait.  Well, this week after practice, there were two coaches waiting for me as we were leaving the building.  I could tell they had some apprehension as to what they were about to tell me.  They started out with saying "Have you heard of Scolio.." at which point I cut them off.  Yes, yes I have heard of it.  I explained to them that we were already aware of Kinley and her curvy back.  The relief on their faces when they realized that this was not my first time hearing it about Kinley was great.  I kind of shut them down pretty fast since Kinley was standing there and is still in the dark about what is going on.  But, thank you coaches for putting yourself in an uncomfortable place to try to help this little girl out.  Early detection is key, and I appreciate anyone looking out for my little one.
When we got home after gymnastics, Kinley was so pleased to show me her new trick.  "Look Mom, I can touch my toes.  I can touch them so good that Coach Holly took me around to show all the other coaches how good I can do it."  Oh sweet baby, yes, yes you can do that so good!  I'm so thankful she thought they were gawking at her sweet toe touching skills instead of her twisted back.
Today Kinley woke up and complained of her back hurting when she bent forward.  This is the first she has ever said about pain.  And she pointed right to the correct spot on her back.  My heart broke for her once again at that moment.  I wake up every day in pain.  And the fact that this might be the reality for my daughter....Ugh, I don't know how to process that.
Shriners is not able to see Kinley until the beginning of November.  We put her on the cancellation list, so hopefully something comes from that.  In the mean time, I am doing research like crazy and looking at places that can provide a second, third, fourth, and so on opinion.
You got this Kinley.  Mommy is right here, standing by you and willing to do anything to help you in the coming months and years.  XOXOXO    

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