This is what Kinley looks like much of the time. Standing on her head! It cracks me up and drive me nuts much of the time. I am a lot more tolerant of it these days however. I keep imagining her in a brace around her little body 20+ hours a day, and I am ok with letting her jump around and stand in all sorts of positions.
I love this girl more then I could ever begin to write down. And this diagnosis has hit me hard! I am frantically trying to find a "fix" and I keep coming up empty handed. I feel like I am finally getting somewhere with my research. I have found a local family who has a little girl with Scoliosis. They have been dealing with this for 4 years now. I met with the mom yesterday and tried to get out all my questions and worries in the short hour and half we talked. Most of the time was spent sitting in a coffee shop with a person I had just met, crying from both of us, as we were sharing our stories and concerns. This Mom is a great resource for me, and I am so very thankful to have met her. She gave me some good direction, and I feel like I am going to rock that first appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. :)
Kinley still doesn't know something is wrong. I am hoping to keep her in the dark until our appointment. Once she hears the word Scoliosis, she will never be able to forget it. So, enjoy these last few weeks with out scoliosis in your life little one. Your Mommy is working so very hard to find the best treatment for you. I love you so very, very much Kinley Grace. I am right by your side through this journey, and I will never stop being your biggest advocate!
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