Monday, August 28, 2017

The Blog is Back!

 Well Hello there!  Its been awhile!  The blog has taken a bit of a rest this past year and a half because really, our lives have been pretty normal.  I love keeping a blog so the kids will be able to grow up and be able to look back on their lives and know what little turkeys they were.  The reality of it is our lives have been kind of uneventful in the kid department.  When I first started the blog, it was to keep in touch with family that lived so far away while I was pregnant with Carter.  I would update it with weekly pictures of my belly and sneak some cute ones of Kenai in there every now and then.  Then after Carter was born, it became an excellent way to keep everyone updated on his health issues. It was a way for me to type out my feelings about his struggles and accomplishments.  It was also a way for me to give updates after doctors appointments and not have to call or text multiple different people all day long.  Which brings me to the reason behind starting up the blog again.  And this time its not about Carters health.  That little guy has been doing awesome besides having to have 8 teeth pulled in the OR last December.
Today's blog is about Kinley.  Sweet Kinley is about to start Kindergarten and could not be more excited.  This little girl is an absolute joy in our lives.  She is funny, smart, and will always tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not.  A few weeks ago, Tim and I noticed that she might have a slight curve to her spine.  Its something I try to keep an eye out for in our kids since I have scoliosis and I know it can be genetic.  So, I brought it up at her 5th year check up.  The doctor ordered an x-ray to see what was going on. As soon as I saw her x-ray pop up on the machine, I knew our suspicions had been correct.  Kinley actually has a 38 degree curve right now.  Which is pretty big for someone so tiny.  We have been referred to the Shriners hospital near by and are waiting to hear from them.  They will sit down and look at Kinleys chart before they call to set up an appointment.  This way they know if she needs an urgent appointment or if this can be put off for awhile.  I'm hoping they will call and say its no big deal and we can carry on with our lives as normal.  Unfortunately, that will more then likely not be the case.
So for now, we wait.  If you are the praying type, we would love for you to say a few extra prayers for Kinley.  And if you are not the praying type, now is a good time to start!  Both Carter and Kinley will be starting at a new school this year.  We decided to take the kids and put them in a school that was smaller and would hopefully be a better fit for their personalities.  I had a few reservations about making this change.  I can tell you know without a doubt I am so very thankful we went for it.  I know that at this new school if Kinley is struggling, the school will be there to support her.  If there are any kids that are mean to her, it will not be tolerated.  Kinley will thrive no matter what the situation.
I will update the blog when we have some answers.  Or when I just need an outlet to vent my feelings.  I have been taking this news pretty hard.  We have yet to tell Kinley about it simply because we don't really have any answers for her.  And at the tender age of 5, that is hard to comprehend.
Our motto right now: Bent not Broken            

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