Sweet Addison woke up on her 2 week birthday with a fever of 102.6. It was about midnight, and I woke Tim up to tell him the bad news. We knew she was going to have to go to the hospital to get checked out for something serious. I stayed up for a few hours with her, hoping the fever would go down. At about 5:30 am we decided it was probably time to head into the ER. So, Tim got up for work, while I woke up all the kids to climb in the car. Luckily, Tim went into work and they told him to go help me. So, he was able to meet us at the hospital. We knew exactly what kind of test they were going to have to run on Addison, but it didn't make it any easier. Addison was admitted to the floor for 48 hours to make sure it was just a virus. In those 2 days, she endured a poke in each hand and foot, and 8 lumbar punctures. None of the lumbar punctures were successful and after 8 attemps, Tim and I said that was enough. It hurt my heart so much to see her going through that over and over again.
Around lunch time, mom and dad came to the rescue and took the other kids. Thankgoodness they were only 3 hours away, not sure what we would have done with out them!
Addison and I hung out at the hospital, resting and trying to keep the fever down. I was able to get lots of loves and snuggles from my sick girl. After it was all said and done, we decided she probably just had a virus that was most likely given to her from one of her siblings.
So, no more fevers Addison! This mommy needs a break!! Thanks for all our help Meme and Grandpa! We would been lost without out all your help!