Tuesday, December 23, 2014

6th Party

Carter sure did enjoy his 6th Birthday Party!  He requested a soccer ball cake, so I was pretty excited to make it happen for him!  The Friday before his birthday, he was very surprised when he answered the door to see Jason, Steffany, and Elias standing there!  He just loves these guys so much, and it was a blessing that we got to celebrate with them.  This is the main reason living in Montana has been so amazing!
On Saturday, he woke up and decided he wanted to open all his presents up.  He got some awesome gifts!  After that we took the boys to play laser tag while Steffany and I played games with the little kids.  The boys came out of the laser tag sweating and with big smiles on their faces.  
After the little kids took naps, we had cake and then went out to dinner.  Carter requested ribs, which are his all time favorite food.  That boy can pack in the ribs!  
Thank you so much to Jason and Steffany for making the trip over to celebrate with Carter.  It meant so much to him, and allowed him to have a buddy to help put together his new Lord of the Rings Lego set!

Monday, December 22, 2014

6 years

Dear Carter,
Happy Birthday to my little man!  I can not believe you are already 6 years old!!!  It seems like just yesterday I held you in my arms and looked into your sweet eyes for the very first time.  People have told me to enjoy your kids while they are little because pretty soon they will be all grown up. Boy are they right!  Six years have flown by!
You started kindergarden this year and the amount of stuff you learn each day is so amazing!  One of your favorite parts of the day is when you and Daddy curl up in bed and you get to read to your Daddy.  You have finished all three sets of the BOB books, and are now getting to read any book you choose.  The first one you choose was One Fish Two Fish.  Your math skills are also pretty impressive.  You came up to me the other day and said "Hey Mom, what's 7 minus 12?  It's -5."
You are also an amazing big brother Carter!  You like to take Addison when she is crying and plop her in her swing.  The best part about it, is she usually will stop crying for you!  You love to chase and play with Kinley.  I can only hope that the relationship you have with your sisters will just keep getting better and better.
You say at recess every day you always go and play soccor.  You love to practice kicking around the ball at home and are hoping to get on a team this spring.  
I love you Carter Joseph!!  You are an amazing little man that makes every day better and better!!  Xoxoxo
Love, Mommy

Thursday, November 6, 2014

First Bath

Addison's umbilical cord fell off at 7 days old, so we were able to give her a fully submerged bath pretty early!  She loved lounging in the water and soaking her bones.  It was so precious to she her reaction to the new environment. 


So I realize I am behind yet again on my blogging.  Most of my day is tied up taking care of kids, so it really should not be any surprise.  However, I am determined to keep the blog running so the kids and I have an account of our crazy days!
This is basically just pictures of our sweet Addison!  She is an amazing little person, and we have fallen so in love with her!  Her dark hair and chubby cheeks just make me smile!  We have been so blessed to have my parents around for a few weeks after Addison was born.  They have been a huge help to me and have done so much helping with the kids and taking care of the house.  
My slide show only allows 15 pictures, so I will add a few more pictures at the end.

First day alone with 3 kids!  And, we got out of the house!! 

Gas smile!

Wearing Kinley's coming home outfit!  Its a little snug...

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Sweet Addison woke up on her 2 week birthday with a fever of 102.6.  It was about midnight, and I woke Tim up to tell him the bad news.  We knew she was going to have to go to the hospital to get checked out for something serious.  I stayed up for a few hours with her, hoping the fever would go down.  At about 5:30 am we decided it was probably time to head into the ER.  So, Tim got up for work, while I woke up all the kids to climb in the car.  Luckily, Tim went into work and they told him to go help me.  So, he was able to meet us at the hospital.  We knew exactly what kind of test they were going to have to run on Addison, but it didn't make it any easier.  Addison was admitted to the floor for 48 hours to make sure it was just a virus.  In those 2 days, she endured a poke in each hand and foot, and 8 lumbar punctures.  None of the lumbar punctures were successful and after 8 attemps, Tim and I said that was enough.  It hurt my heart so much to see her going through that over and over again.  
Around lunch time, mom and dad came to the rescue and took the other kids.  Thankgoodness they were only 3 hours away, not sure what we would have done with out them!
Addison and I hung out at the hospital, resting and trying to keep the fever down.  I was able to get lots of loves and snuggles from my sick girl.  After it was all said and done, we decided she probably just had a virus that was most likely given to her from one of her siblings.
So, no more fevers Addison!  This mommy needs a break!!  Thanks for all our help Meme and Grandpa! We would been lost without out all your help!

Addison Faith

Addison Faith Ochoa
Born: 9/14/14 at 18:18
Weight: 9 pounds 1 ounce
Length: 20 inches
Addison Faith Ochoa made her entrance into this world 9/14/14.  She waited 40 weeks and 2 days to make her appearance, so we were very ready to meet her!
I was pretty sure she was going to come on Saturday night, but my contractions slowed down once I crawled into bed.  I woke up Sunday morning feeling pretty good, but slightly angry I was still pregnant!  Uncle Jason and Aunt Steffany decided to head back to Bozeman, since it looked like baby doll was going to stay in for awhile.  After they left, I decided to take a nap.  I woke up from nap with painful contractions, but nothing consistent.  I was becoming very uncomfortable, very fast, so Tim decided it was time to head to the hospital.  Tim was pretty excited since he knew he would be able to watch the Seahawks game on the tv at the hospital...
We showed up at the hospital around 4:00 pm.  At that time, I was dilated to an 8 already, so it was a rush to get an epidural in.  Mom was able to make it to the hospital, thanks to our dear neighbor Danielle who took the kids at the spur of the moment.  Tim wanted to deliver baby doll, and everything lined up perfect for him to do so.  After about 19 minutes of pushing, our dear daughter was welcomed into our arms.
Tim placed her right on my chest, where I got to snuggle her for a good hour.  She started nursing right away, and we just enjoyed checking out our new addition.  
Mom brought the kids up to the hospital when the baby was about 2 hours old.  Carter was afraid to hold her, but Kinley jumped right in there!  It was so sweet watching them interact with their new baby sister!
Showing up at the hospital, we were still slightly undecided about the name of our baby doll.  So we slept on it the first night, and decided in the morning what her final name would be.  Addison has always been at the top of our list, and it seemed to fit her perfectly after we spent some time with her.  Faith was a last minute decision, and one that I have fallen so in love with.  Living this life with 3 kids requires a lot of Faith, and when I say her name it reminds me that I can do it!
We stayed at the hospital our required 24 hours, and then we were out of there to sleep in our own bed!  Tim had to give a presentation the next morning, so he need to get some good sleep. 
Addison is an amazing addition to our family, and we are so in love with our big bundle of joy!  Thank you for choosing us to be your family Addison, we love you with all our hearts!!

Last big belly picture!

Friday, August 29, 2014


How is it possible that I have a kid in Kindergarten???  It does not seem possible that Carter is big enough to have to go to school each day.
Carter was so excited to finally start school.  He is going to all day Kindergarten, so I am really missing having him at home.  On Wednesday, I took him to school for an hour orientation so he could get used to his class room and meet his new teacher.  Then, on Thursday he jumped on the bus and was off!  He said he got lost when he arrived at the school, but he was able to find an adult to help him find his room.  Gosh, what a big boy!!
Kinley is not very happy about her big brother leaving her all day.  The first day she kept asking me to go pick him up.  And the hug they gave each other when he got off the bus was enough to make you cry!  (Not that I cried or anything...)
Have a good year my little man!!!  You have grown up too fast for the Mama!!!


Thursday, August 21, 2014


Being back in the west, Tim and I were determined to pick our share of huckleberries this year!  It was a great year for the berries, but the kids were not really that into it.  They would start out really excited about it, and within 10 minutes they were begging to go home.  I love picking berries, but this year my body made it a little difficult to bend over very well!  Maybe next year we will be able to fill the freezer up!  But, for now we are happy with a couple gallons.


This summer has been filled with a lot of visitors to our home here in Missoula!  We have had lots of cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, and friends stay through out our short time here.  It has been a good distraction and helps us forget for a moment just how much we miss Hershey!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Melt Me

These cuties are getting excited to meet their new baby sister!!!  Only a few more weeks!!!


Poor Kinley came down with a good round of Roseola.  She was running at fever of 104 for a few days and super cranky.  And then the rash finally showed up!  And she was still cranky...
She showed off her textbook rash like a pro.  Glad you are feeling better sweet girl!!!