Friday, August 24, 2018

One Year

It has now been one year since we took Kinley to get an x-ray of her spine because we suspected scoliosis.  I remember seeing that x-ray and my stomach just dropped.  I knew we were in for a ride.  But I had no idea it would be this crazy of one!
Back in June, we had our 6 month follow up at Shriner's of wearing her brace.  We had just been to Seattle where they told us the surgery still had not made any improvements.  So, we didn't really expect great things with her spine, but we could still hope, right?  On the ride there, Kinley whispered to me that she just hoped they would tell her she could stop wearing the brace.  Well, her spine had not changed.  The curve had not increased, yet it also had not decreased.  So we were at the same spot as in December.  It was hard.  Sweet Kinley went through a horrible surgery, and we have yet to see results.  Waiting is so very hard.  We will be seen again in December at Shriner's for a one year check up.  Gosh, it would be so nice to see a straight spine at that time!!!!  Until then, Kinley has to wear the brace 20+ hours a day still.

I will be honest, this sucks!  I am so sad for my sweet girl.  I wish I could take this away from her.  Make it all better with my hugs and tears. Having a kid with health issues is stressful.  You never know if they are going to wake up with a new, concerning symptom.  You constantly worry about them when they are out of sight.  Hoping that she doesn't hit her head or get a headache. 
Continue to pray for Kinley.  She needs all the help she can get.  And strength.  We all need strength to keep trudging forward to get this little girl healthy!