After having Kinley, Tim and I both felt we were pretty good with two kids. But, as time went on, we decided just one more little one to love on would be perfect! I actually ended up getting pregnant right away, which was a big surprise since Kinely took 2 years to make! However, that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. I told Tim I would only try one more time, I was not sure I could handle another miscarriage. Well, to our surprise again, I ended up pregnant about 3 weeks later. We went to an early ultrasound to see how far along I was, and the news was not good. There was no heartbeat, and the sack was showing big enough to where a heartbeat should be detected. So, the doctor told us this pregnancy was going to end in a miscarriage again, and that we should get ready for the worst. It was horrible. We mourned the loss of this baby, and just waited. A week later I went to another ultrasound and as soon as they turned the machine on I saw a little flashing! I could not believe there was actually a heartbeat there! What a miracle!! It was so wonderful going home and telling Tim there was a little one in there, and they were hanging on!
Having three kids sound somewhat intimidating, but hopefully we can handle it. At the ultrasound today we were able to tell it was a girl, but not much else. I go back next week for another one, so hopefully we get some better pictures then!