Friday, March 15, 2013

9 Months

It is hard to believe Kinley is already 9 months!  She has been in this world as long as she was in my tummy. Crazy!  I could not imagine life without this little one.  It is true, Carter has taken a while to warm up to her, but I think we are at a good place finally.  He talks about how much he loves his little sister and is so happy she is in our family.  I think we all feel the same way.
We will go in next week for her 9 month stats.  Kinley is a busy little thing.  Like really busy.  She can not sit still for a moment.  Kinley is getting really good at saying Dadda, and actually starts screaming it when he walks in the house after work.  She has said Doggie a few times, and has not even attempted a Mama. :(  I feel like we are not far from walking, since she can stand by herself pretty good for a while.  Kinley is a great eater and loves to try new things.  

The more I look at this picture, the funnier it gets! 
 (No babies were injured or hurt in the production of this photo!)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mini me?

Kinley loves peas! Like really loves them. After I gave her blended peas, I just started giving her whole ones. And she downed them like they were candy. Tim is pretty sure she got her love of peas from me since he won't be seen in the same room with them. And, I am thinking she looks like me?!? Might I have a mini me on my hands? We can hope!