Friday, December 21, 2012

Fake Birthday

We had a small birthday party for Carter last weekend with a few of his friends.  He was so excited to have a real party, so we decided to give in.  He would call it his fake birthday since we had the party the week before his real birthday.  This year for his theme he wanted Spider-man   Not really sure why he likes Spider-Man so much.  He has never watched the show, and he doesn't have any toys with Spider-man, but that is what he wanted.  So we went with it.  He had a blast and loved having friends over.  I made him a spider-man cake that was a big hit.  I ran out of time, so I just made a box cake (I know, I know...) and even used the frosting out of a can (Eeeek!)!  Carter's response when he saw the cake: "Oh Mom, that is just the cake I wanted"!  Score!!!

Excited to show off his loot from the Dentist!  

Love the fact that Kayla sent me my moon back that used to hang above my crib and stayed above my bed till I was 18 years old.  It will now hang about my daughters crib.  Thank you so much Kayla!

This girl is LOVING eating!  What a blessing!!

We make em big in Hershey baby!  Yummy!!!

Love this little man like crazy!

They had quite the celebration for Carter at preschool!

Miss. Kinley is officially crawling around like crazy!  Just in time to wreck havoc on the Christmas tree!

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