Tuesday, December 22, 2015

7 Years Old

Dear Carter, 
Today you turned 7 years old.  Is that even possible?  I feel as if it was just yesterday I was holding my fragile, sick baby boy for the first time.  I wish I would have been able to see into the future on that day you were born.  I would have neve dreamed the amount of energy you have today!!  You are constantly using the couch as a gymnastic mat, flipping off it, and jumping in the air.  I find you standing on your head more then your feet.  
In school, you are excelling at reading, spelling and math.  You are reading close to a third grade level and you have yet to miss a word on your spelling test all year!  Mrs. Hamy is teaching you Spanish and you bust out random Spanish words all day long.  At your holiday programs, you belted out your lines like a pro.  I have to admit, I got a tad teary eyed listening to you say your lines in a room full of 300+ people.  We used to worry you might not even be able to speak, so standing up there partaking in a play was beyond anything I dreamed of after you were first born.
You are excited to get back into soccer this spring.  I loved watching you run around on the field scoring goals and high fiving your tream mates.  
One of the things I love most about you Carter is your deep love for your family.  The first thing you want to do when you get home from school is get Addison up from her nap.  You love to play with your sisters, and even love to get them into trouble some times.  
I love you Carter Joseph.  You are an amazing little boy, and I thank God every day for the light you bring into our lives.  Have a wonderful 7th year Carter! 
Love Forever, Mommy

Monday, September 14, 2015

First Birthday

Dear Addison,
     Today you turned ONE year old!  Oh sweet baby, you are growing up so fast.  I can't even begin to tell you just how much joy and happiness you bring to our family.  
     You are such a happy and smiley baby.  From the moment I scoop you up out of bed in the morning, to the time I put you down at night, you are smiling at me with those big blue (maybe green) eyes.  Your hair is lighter then when you were born, and has some red highlights in it.  You are starting to power walk, and are getting ready to run.  You love it when Carter and Kinley chase you.  Oh boy can you move fast while squealing.  
     Right now you can say Mama and Dada.  Much of the day you walk around saying "Ma" which makes me laugh because it sounds so grown up coming out of such a tiny person.  You have become very courious these past few weeks, and I can usually find you getting into some cabinet or bag.  One of your favorite things to do is to pick up everything possible and to throw it in the tub.  It makes me laugh when I go to start my shower and I have to empty toys, magazines, clothes, and blankets out first.  You also like to throw stuff in there when I am showering, which is not so funny, especially when it is my clean clothes to put on! 
     Life with you is amazing Addison.  You are such a blessing, and I think God every day for placing such a sweet, tender hearted little one in our family.  Happy Birthday baby girl.  I love you forever!  XOXOXOXO

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Kinley has decided that she would like to learn to play the violin. So we had her first lesson yesterday. I really need meme here to help guide me, but I shall see how it goes!  
This picture of Kinley reminds me so much of myself when I was little. Gosh, she is cute!

10 Months

How is it that my baby is just two months away from being a year old?  I can't even stand how stinkin cute little Addison is.  She really is our perfect little blessing to our family. She took 3 steps yesterday, and is well on her way to keep up with big brother and sister. She also has spoken her first word!!!!!  And it was... MAMA!!!!!!  That's my girl!!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

3 Years

Dear Kinley,
     Yesterday you turned 3 years old!  How is that even possible?  I can not believe it has been 3 years since that very first moment I looked into your eyes.  I knew you were going to be an amazing edition to our family, and boy was I right!  We still call you tornado, but it's more of a funny joke then who you really are.  Yes, you have constant energy and are always running around like crazy, which is why the name has stuck. Oh, and while you should be napping, you pull out all the books and puzzles in your room and make the biggest mess on the floor!  But, you are also my kiddo that will curl up on the couch with me and snuggle while we read a good book.  In the mornings you come into my room and climb in bed to get your snuggles.
     You became a big sister this year, and you are so good at that job!  You are always making sure Addison stays out of trouble.  When we are out shopping at you loose sight of me for a moment you get a panicked look on your face and frantically start searching for me.  
     This year for your birthday we went on a camping trip with Uncle Jason, Aunt Steffany, and Elias.  You were in heaven!  When you opened your presents this year, you would look at the item and say "for me?"  It was so cute!  You are such a thankful little girl and always polite at others.
     You love to wear dresses.  They are an every day attire, and you defiently have your favorite ones you like to wear.  In fact, you wear them so much, that the guy at Costco asks where your princess dress is when you don't have it on!
     You are amazing Kinely Grace!  Thank you for your love and for being YOU!  I can't wait to see you blossom this year!
Love, Mommy

Monday, May 18, 2015

8 Months

Happy 8 months baby girl!  You are such an amazing blessing in our lives!

Pulling Up

This little girl learned to pull up on stuff this week.  And, there is no keeping her down!!!
She was so proud after doing it for the first time!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hot Springs

This weekend, Tim and I got to take the kids to their first natural Hot Springs. They thought it was so cool after a long hike they got to soak in the hot tub. Natural Hot Springs are something Tim and I have always loved to do, and it was so much fun being able to share it with our kiddos.


Mom and Dad were back in town for a few short days, so I decided to take them up to Polson and show them Flathead Lake. It was a beautiful day, nice and warm and sunny. We got to check out the damn and a little bit of the lake. It would've been a bit more enjoyable if the nats hadn't tried to eat us while we were looking at the water!  
Thanks for the wonderful visit, and all your help. We love you guys.

Hiking the L

Last year we hiked the M on the Missoula mountain side, so this year we tackled the L. It is pretty steep, so we were very proud of Kinley making it all the way up. Pretty sure Carter ran most of the way up. That boy is an animal. And Addison made it up snug on her Daddy's back!


Addison is my little smile bug!  She is such a happy, joyful baby!  We are so blessed by all of our sweet kids!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Running of the Lambs

A farmer here in Missoula let's the public come to his farm every spring for free tours to see the new baby lambs.  He calls it running of the lambs, because when the Mamma sheep leave the area to eat, the lambs all start running and jumping around.  It's pretty amazing!  We got to see a baby that was only 3 hours old!  Kinley loved holding the little guys, almost as much as Tim.  Carter said his favorite part was filling up the food bins for the sheep.  Kinley said seeing all the babies!  Defiently something we will be doing again next year, so much fun!!!

7 Months


Happy 7 months baby Addison!!  You are growing up so fast.  You started crawling about a week ago, and are about to get your very first tooth.  I love to snuggle you baby girl, you give the best loves.  And, last night you slept for about 12 hours, your longest stretch to date!  Love you sweet Addison! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

We Have a Roller

Addison decided it was time to start rolling.  She busted out her first back to tummy roll while we were in Bozeman, at about 4 1/2 months old.  No one saw her do it!  So sad!   Now that she has this rolling stuff down, she does it all the time.  She has only pulled off rolling from her tummy to her back once though.  Which is a problem, since she gets really mad when she rolls onto her tummy.  Love you sweet Addison.  You are growing up way too fast! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

4 Months

I can not believe our little angel is now 4 months old!  She is such an amazing addition to our family.  We feel so blessed!  She loves to smile and giggle right now, especially at her big brother!  And, she is getting very close to rolling over.  She really needs to work on her sleeping though, since she has been up about every 1.5 hrs in the night.  This Mama is tired!  But, we love her so much!
Weight: 14 pounds
Length: 24 1/4 inches

Sunday, January 4, 2015

First Cut

 Kinley finally got her first hair cut!  I was a little nervous to cut it, for fear that she would decide she would need to find the scissors on her own and try doing it herself after we were done.  (These are the things you have to think about when your daughter has a nick name of Tornado!)  But, so far she has left the scissors alone!  She did amazing sitting still for this rookie cutter, and no big surprise, she loved being pampered!