Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Trooper

Yesterday, March 12, Kinley went to surgery to have a supraglottoplasty done to hopefully help her stridor.  She was so brave and made me beyond proud to be her Mommy!  While we were waiting to go back to surgery, she kept telling us she was hungry, which breaks my heart!  Of course she was hungry, she hadn't eaten any thing all morning.  Tim was able to carry her back to the OR and put the mask on her to put her asleep.  This was such a huge blessing, since she didn't get scared being surrounded by strangers.  ( And it gave me a few minutes to cry by myself in the hall...).  We only had to wait a little over an hour before we got to go back to see her.  When we walked in her room, she was still sleeping, so we soaked up a few quiet minutes with her before she woke.  And when she woke up, she wasn't too happy about it all.  She only wanted me to hold her, and she would not let me put her down.  It was a long hour!  But, I was just happy to have her back in my arms!!  
The rest of the day was spent trying to get her to rest and sleep.  She only slept for an hour in my arms, so by the time night came around she was exhausted.  Tim brought Carter up to the hospital to see his sister and to eat dinner with us.  She got so excited to see him, it was darling!  After that, Tim and Carter went home to sleep, while I stayed with Kinley.  I was so proud of my sweet baby for going to sleep in her bed, all by herself.  And, she slept peacefully until 1 am when the nurse came in to tell me they were going to have to start a new IV to give her some medicine. I was so angry, but there was no fighting it.  The nurse was amazing, got it on th first try, and Kinley was my brave little girl yet again!  After that she slept peacefully until we were discharged in the morning.
Kinley has slept a lot more today resting from it all.  She is seriously so strong and will heal fast from this!  Hopefully this is our last trip to the OR with our baby girl!
Thank you to everyone for the care packages and to those who are bring us meals in the coming days!  And, thanks to Lauren for watching Carter all day so we could focus on Kinley!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet baby girl! I'm glad everything went well! Looks like she had some fun toys to play with!