Friday, February 21, 2014

31 Years Young

Yep, I turned 31 years old this week!  I really cant imagine I am any older then 25, but everyone else tells me different.  My birthday was definitely one of my least favorite days I have had in a while.  On Sunday, Kinley threw up twice.  We didn't think much of it since she was acting normal, so we just figured it was something she ate.  Well, when I woke up on Tuesday morning, I knew it was the stomach bug.  By late morning, I had to call Tim home from work so he could pick Carter up since I was throwing up.  It was a horrible day.  The next day I woke up on my birthday, feeling just as weak and exhausted.  This was the day Carter decided to start throwing up.  Lovely!  So, no fancy dinner or cake.  I told Tim he got off pretty easy this year!  The boys tried to make it as good a day as possible, but I was just ready to get it over with!  Here's hoping this year gets nothing but better!   

1 comment:

sk said...

The picture of Kinley is precious. When I first saw it I thought she looked alot like Sarah. Can't wait to have family closer in just a ew short months.