Friday, December 7, 2012

Take 2

Welcome to our new blog!  It may take a while to get everything in order, so excuse the mess!  If you need to refresh yourself with our little life, the old address was   So lets take off where we stopped...
Kinley puts up with a lot from her older brother, but the love between them is amazing.  I am pretty sure Carter is Kinley's favorite person.  I hope it lasts through their teen years...

And she sits!  She really does not like to sit though, she wants to be crawling along the floor getting into trouble!

And we have a toothie!  Finally the tooth broke though at a bit over 5 months!  A few minutes after I took this picture, Tim was checking out her tooth and realized that there was actually 2 teeth there!  Bring on the Steak!

All dressed up for the first snowfall! 

Carter lasted maybe 5 minutes outside, when he came in and announced he was ready for some hot chocolate!  I think he was more excited about the cocoa then the snow!

Kinley got her first "No No".  That tree is just so pretty!
December is proving to be a tough month for us.  Tim is working some crazy long hours, and has 2 days off this month.  It makes it hard being a holiday month and all, but we will get though it.  Hopefully the kids are young enough that they wont remember the Christmas Daddy was not around.  (Not that it will be the last Christmas he misses, but...)
Ok, so make sure you update your saved address for the blog, and this is where I will post our new updates.  And, if you are a follower, make sure you update your blogger.  

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